Social Media - 10 Mistakes People Make On Twitter

Let us look at the most common mistakes people generally make while creating and using a Twitter account.

  1. People create multiple accounts which often diverts their followers instead just create one 'Twitter Handle' (id) for your account and manage it thoroughly
  2.  Customize the biography, which people often ignore & be specific in branding your products or services
  3. Don't follow a number of people instead follow people in your space tweeting useful information
  4. Don't talk too much about yourself, instead talk to the consumers & value them, talk about your products & services
  5. People simply ignore the 'hashtag' (#) but actually, hashtag gives you visibility. Therefore, make complete use of 'hashtag' and if possible always use one or the other relevant 'hashtag' while tweeting.
  6. Don't tweet too much otherwise your tweets will get lost in space and will not get importance. It's better to stick to a maximum of 5 tweets per day
  7. Another thing which is ignored by most brands is to check what people speak about them & their products & services. Keep a regular check on what is going around you & your industry
  8. Do not ignore or react loud over negative comments instead be humble & polite because you will be judged on the basis of how you handle negativity
  9. People never think to set a benchmark to achieve their goals & to measure their performance, instead one should monitor their accounts on a regular basis
  10. Last but not least, always involve your brand ambassadors, employees, people working for you to participate in your social networking activities which people often forget to do
Hope you can avoid making such kind of mistakes and run twitter campaign at its best. :)


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